Monday, August 27, 2007

Clint Curtis for Congress-FL-24.

Clint Curtis at BradBlog.

Clint Curtis for Congress-FL-24.

*Requiring a paper ballot, that is actually counted, for every vote cast in America.
*Revitalizing NASA and returning America to a position of strength, both militarily and scientifically.
*Providing Universal no-fault Health Care and eliminating the cost to business and workers.
*Protecting Social Security for generations to come.
*Keeping jobs in America by requiring balanced trade and business incentives.
*Restoring fiscal responsibility to our Budget.
*Ensuring that all shipments into the country are secured by Americans working for American companies.
*The redeployment of our troops from Iraq to guard America's borders and make America safer.
*Achieving energy independence for America today, not 20 years from now. This will also reduce fuel costs by 70%.

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