Saturday, August 4, 2007

Civil Rights Sites in St. Augustine and Supporter, Democratic Senator Anthony C. "Tony" Hill, Sr.

Freedom Trail is a series of historical landmarks in St. Augustine significant to the civil rights movement.

Included are the home where the Rev. Martin Luther King and the Rev. Ralph Abernathy stayed while in St. Augustine while leading demonstrations that led to the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964; the former downtown Woolworth's store where lunch counter sit- ins were staged; and the state headquarters of King's Southern Christian Leadership Council. David Nolan, a local historian and author, did the research on the sites for the 40th ACCORD, a grass- roots civil rights commemorative group, and hopes to add another 20 more markers if funding can be found.

"This isn't about black history. This is underexposed American history," said Rick Matthew's, vice president of Northrop Grumman Corp. The aviation company, which has a large plant near town, paid $1,000 each for the markers.

Senator Anthony C. "Tony" Hill, Sr., Minority (Democratic) Lead Whip is pictured at the First Annual Freedom Trail Luncheon.

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