Karen Thurman,
Chair of the Florida Democratic Party, greeted 40 bloggers and members of the Florida Netroots at the first ever meeting of the Florida blogosphere at a state party event. Bloggers were given passes to cover the dinner.
Kenneth Quinnell at Florida Progressive Coalition Blog made this assessment:
One of the key components to building the progressive blogosphere and turning Florida into a blue state is that bloggers have more access to the party, to candidates, to information. The more of this access we have, the more we can influence what’s going on and the more we can help others accomplish their goals. On this measure, this weeked was a smashing success. We were able to get unprecedented access for Florida bloggers to the party, candidates from city council on up to Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi. We also found out that people in positions of power are reading what we write and taking it seriously.
Ray Seaman, from Reform Florida's DECs moves from coverage of the netroots blogger lunch to substantive discussion of what DECs can do to become more meaningful in county democratic action.
And here is GatorDem's take which includes his call to Blog Florida Blue.
Have just gotten home and unpacked. I am enjoying what everyone has written about the JJ so far.
Good work!
Your link to the Florida Netroots actually points to gatordem's Florida Kossacks site - while we are partners in building up the community - we're not one in the same.
Got it. I'd linked to the Florida Kossacks discussion about the Florida Netroots.
Back home and also, am enjoying the spirited coverage of the J-J events....I'll send you all a link to Talk to Me for addition to your blog rolls so together, we can Blog Florida Blue.
Next time I "see" you, I hope my blurry world will be clear!
Talk to Me
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