Sunday, May 27, 2007

National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials (NALEO) Will Bring Presidential Candidates to Orlando

The National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials (NALEO)Annual Conference will take place in Orlando, June 28-30.NALEO will hold candidate forums. From the NALEO website:

We have invited the candidates for the Democratic and Republican presidential nominations to present and discuss their views on the most pressing issues affecting the Latino community and the country. The Conference will provide a powerful platform for the candidates to address both the nation’s Latino leadership and the Latino community and will identify those key policy issues that will be followed by millions of Latinos during the 2008 presidential campaign.

The importance of the Latino community to the continued success of our nation is firmly set in the conscience of our nation’s leaders. Last November’s elections saw the highest Latino turnout on record for a mid-term election. The constant growth in Catino voter participation confirms that this segment of the electorate is poised to play a critical role in electing the next President of the United States

Keep an eye on this one. Immigration and Latino issues are going to be important in 2008. Conservative radio comedian Rush Limbaugh attacked the Bush-backed immigration plan as the "Destroy the Republican Party Act." The NALEO conference will surely highlight this issue at its candidate forums.

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